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White sand beach Karimunjawa

One island is located approximately 83 KM north of the city of Jepara, Central Java. Karimunjawa Island, that name familiar to tourists for the largest island in the archipelago's marine park karimunjawa. With a stretch of scenery on the sidelines of the island, white sand stretches along the beach with a palm tree jewelry. According to information from one of the tour guides there are about 240 species of fish and 120 marine ornamental marine plants in the park this Karimunjawa. Can you imagine how the underwater beauty.

To be able to achieve self karimunjawa can use KMP Muria departing from pier Jepara and takes approximately 6 hours duration with a relatively cheap for Luxury travel is economy class: Rp 30,500 VIP: Rp 80,250 and Rp 27,500 extra if you bring a vehicle wheel 2 . If you want faster access, you can use the Quick Ship departing from the Port of Tanjung Mas Semarang which takes 3.5 hours to get there business rate: Rp 130,000 and the Executive: Rp 150,000.
Take a boat ride along the coast are clear beach
No mistake, here is paradise of the Diver. There are a lot of diving and snorkelling spot for this island with its beauty each. You do not like to go straight to the water to enjoy the beauty of the sea? do not worry, there's Glass Bottom Boat for rent with prices varying for tourists. You can rent snorkel gear there with an average price of 30-35 thousand, for diving set prices an average of 300 thousand, and for an extra spare tank charged 70 thousand.
Underwater of Karimunjawa

You get bored with the Diving and Snorkelling? there is also available a jetski and banana boat rides for tourists water sports lovers with prices starting from Rp 100,000 to Rp 300,000. For those of you that fishing mania, do not worry because karimunjawa also have fishing spots, you will be guided by the guide if rent boats for fishing. Boat rental prices an average of Rp 350,000 for one full day.
Very interesting is not it? This location is perfect for those of you who have more budget for a vacation and liked Luxury Travelling. Happy holidays.

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This vast lake has a uniqueness that is not on any other lake in the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Pulau samosir. It is not commonly found in a lake, because in general the island is only found in the ocean alone.

Kano Sport Toba Lake

Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in North Sumatra. Besides the wonderful aspects of landscapes, cultures Toba Batak society was interesting to explore domestic and foreign tourists. The lake is located in Samosir regency, Tobasa, Simalungun, Karo, Dairi, North Tapanuli Humbahas district can be reached by private car or public transport from the city of Medan, North Sumatra provincial capital. With long takes about 5-6 hours by private car.

Tourism Ship to Samosir Island

Toba lake views from the city shoreline parapat is the most fascinating, at least that's the impression that I felt as an opportunity to visit the most excellent tourist spot for the people of northern Sumatra. Ok, what can we do but enjoy the view up there? Do not worry, this unique lake has a variety of experience to do something there. Fishing is there to, in this vast lake assorted fish consumption you can make the target fishing for then be enjoyed on the lake. Your water sport enthusiasts, there is also provided water ski and speed boat that you can rent. prices range from Rp 75.000 - Rp 180.000, do not worry, the price is still negotiable with the rental. For those of you who like the traditional souvenir shop, also available in Toba traditional souvenir market creation Toba Batak people around. 
Batak Village on the Samosir Island

You want to visit the island in the middle of Lake Toba Samosir Island, can use a speed boat and ship tours typical terraced lake toba. To use these tourist boats charged at only $ 7,000, the price is very tilted for priceless beauty.From the island of Samosir is a view that lay Toba waters and cliffs lining the edge of Lake Toba. On the island of Samosir you can do fishing, water sports, cycling around the small islands, as well as watching the original local art from the Batak Toba. Interested to visit? excellent recommendation for you once upon a time once visited Wonderful Destination in western Indonesia is because suguhannya for Travel Lovers us special.

Bunaken Beach nodes

Bunaken Marine Park is one of nature Indonesia tourist destination known abroad. As one of the world's most beautiful marine park, Bunaken is the perfect place to admire the beauty of the underwater

Bunaken Marine Park is located in the Village Bunaken, District Bunaken, Manado, North Sulawesi. Bunaken is located approximately 7 miles from the Port of Manado which can be reached in 35 minutes from downtown by boat motors.

There are many things you can do in Bunaken. Starting from a walk on the beach, snorkelling, underwater photo, enjoying the beauty of nature around by boat, and so forth.

Coral reefs in Bunaken

Bunaken National Marine Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems consisting of mangrove ecosystems, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and land / coastal ecosystems.

Bunaken in Manado bay with an area of ​​8.08 km ², is located in the north of the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken is part of the municipality of Manado, capital of North Sulawesi. Marine parks around Bunaken is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado Tua is Siladen and Mantehage.

Bunaken Marine Park has a 29 point dive (dive spot) with a depth from 1344 meters. Of the 20 point dive. Are within a 12 point dive around Bunaken Island. The 12 point dive is frequented by divers and lovers of the beauty of the turbulent sea.


Diving enjoying the beauty of Bunaken marine park
To enjoy the beauty of the underwater surface of the Bunaken Marine Park, could use a semi-submarine boat located off the coast of the island of Bunaken. The semi-submarine ship in which there are glass walls. Through the glass walls, we can menikmat and beauty of underwater life. Good variety of fish, coral reefs and other marine life. Bunaken provides various facilities such as lodging, rental equipment selamdan swimming, motor boat, to where to eat. Enjoy.
The lake Kelimutu three color
 Seven Wonders of the World Heritage
Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores, NTT, Indonesia. The mountain location was precisely in the Village Pemo, District Flores, Ende. This mountain has three crater lakes on top. The lake is known as the Lake Three Colors because it has three different colors, namely red, blue, and white. However, the colors are always changing over time. Kelimutu is a combination word of "keli" meaning mountain and the word "quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the lake Flores has the meaning of each and have a very powerful force of nature. Kelimutu Lake or Tiwu divided into three sections corresponding to color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. The lake is red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died. (Wikipedia)
The third area of ​​the lake is approximately 1,051,000 square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters. Boundary between the lake was a narrow stone walls prone to landslides. This wall is very steep with a 70-degree angle. Lake wall height ranges from 50 to 150 meters. No less than 12 times the color change had occurred within the last 25 years.

Green lakes and brown
The unique beauty of the lake finally came to international, since foreign tourists started to come enjoy the lake known haunted local communities. Those who come not only a lover of beauty, but also researchers who want to know a very rare natural occurrence it. There are a few stories from my dad about the lake in keramatkan by residents about this, because it was with my parents house about 6 hours drive. At about the 60's there were some tourists who want to investigate and see what makes the phenomenon of this lake to be colorful. With the help of helicopter they were trying to get into the lake to see and take samples of the water and try to dive kedasaran lake, and when it is taken out of the researchers are not unconscious and was said to be insane, may believe or not what was in my parents tell them.
Flores has set a region Region National Wildlife Koservasi since February 26, 1992. And once listed as one of the seven wonders of the world comes from Indonesia

 Address: Village Pemo, District Flores, Ende, Flores <Nusa Tenggara Timur

Mount Bromo

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is the only conservation area in Indonesia which has a unique form of sand sea covering an area of ​​5250 acres, which is located at an altitude of ± 2100 meters above sea level.
In the sea of sand found seven eruptive centers in the two paths that criss-cross the east-west and northeast-southwest. From the northeast-southwest of Mount Bromo is emerging that includes an active volcano which at times may issue an eruption of smoke and threaten human life in the vicinity (± 3500 inhabitants).
Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.

Kasodo Ceremony
Kasodo Ceremony
Kasodo ceremony held every year (December / January) on the full moon. Through this ceremony, the Tengger tribe beg or ask for a bountiful harvest starting reinforcements and cure of various diseases, in particular by offering offerings with tossed into the crater of Mount Bromo, Tengger society while others had to descend the cliff crater and reached to catch offerings thrown in crater, as a symbol of blessing from the Almighty.

Scramble is an attraction offering a very interesting and challenging and terrible. Because it is not uncommon among those falling into the crater.

A vast expanse of ancient caldera cluster while occasionally staring right down the middle of Mount Bromo caldera with Mount Mahameru background. Beautiful as the sun began to emerge early morning start time pull on the horizon.
Brahma Or Bromo is the main deity in the Hindu religious community trust. Mount Bromo is a mountain that is still active today. With a height of 2392 meters above sea level, between four regions, Kab. Probolinggo, Lumajang, Malang, Pasuruan. Width of 4 km diameter crater, surrounded also by back-diameter caldera 10 km wide.
In the area of ​​public terbentukah Tengger tribe is unique, is the legacy of the kingdom of Majapahit who inhabit the mountains for hundreds of years. Typical costumes woven sarongs that every time they wear a jacket instead of a cold blocker.

For Tengger trib Mount Bromo is a holy mountain. In every year once held a ceremony called Earth Ruwatan Yadnya Kasodo. The ceremony was held at Luhur Poten temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo. The ritual is held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar.
Starting from the Tengger tribe legends During the Majapahit kingdom in the lead King Brawijaya. The queen gave birth to a son named Roro Anteng (calm girl). After she was married to a man grown-caste Brahmin named Joko Seger.
Over time Roro Anteng not been blessed with children. Joko Seger then meditate on top of Mount Bromo. When meditating, descended from Lord Brahma clairvoyant. If granted they should be willing to sacrifice his son into the crater of Mount Bromo. Joko Seger then go home, every few months Roro Anteng consecutive Containing up to get 25 young men and women.

In Time arrives in Kasada. Roro Anteng and Joko Seger violated its agreement with the god Brahma. By being so dear to son - daughter. Mount Bromo was erupting, a sign of the god's wrath. The incident resulted in his youngest son named Kusuma victims on fire and disappeared.
With the cessation of the fire, a voice similar to the voice Kusuma magical "Brother - brother beloved. I've sacrificed my parents, you will be safe sign of misfortune. And remember the day exactly 14 months Kasada during the full moon, Thou offerings to Hyang Widi in the crater of Mount Bromo.

Tengger Tribe

After centuries old ceremony still held every year until now. And the source region of East Java type. Ritual is always filled with local and foreign tourists. Because it has a special attraction between the mountains and the Bromo caldera archaic. As well as the famous tribe unique perch from the language to the way they dress.

Some locations / attractions to be visited:
Cemorolawang. One entrance to the national park which is visited to see from a distance the ocean expanse of sand and crater of Bromo, and camping.
Sand Sea and Mount Bromo Tengger. Bromo riding and hiking through the steps and see the sunrise.
Pananjakan. Viewing scenery of Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru.
Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo and the summit of Mount Semeru. The lakes are very cold and always foggy (± 2200 m. Asl) is often used as a transit point for climbers of Mount Semeru (3676 m. Asl).
Ranu Darungan. Camping, observing animals / plants and the charming natural scenery.

Location Map of Mount Bromo

The best visiting season: June / d in October and December of s / d in January.
How to reach: Pasuruan-point-Tosari Dowo-Bromo-Wonokitri use a car with a distance of 71 km, Malang-Overlapping-Shack Klakah-Bromo-Jemplang use a car with a distance of 53 km, and Jemplang-Ranu Ranu Pani-Kumbolo, 16 miles. Or Malang-Purwodadi-Nongkojajar-Tosari-Wonokitri-Penanjakan about 83 km. From Malang to Ranu Pani use the car for about 70 minutes, which was continued on foot to the summit of Semeru about 13 hours.


Jl. No. Raden Intan. 6 Post Office Box 54, Malang (East Java) Telp. (0341) 491828; Fax. (0341) 490885
. No. Panda. 8, Malang Tel. (0341) 551040

Manise Ambon city is full of a million exotica. Not only the brown-skinned people, one of the wealth of Indonesia's population, but Ambon save a million other interesting exotics to be visited.Area in Ambon to be missed is a charming island. Everyone knows, the beach on the island of Ambon is attractive to anyone. Because of its charm is still beautiful to coast around the city of Ambon keep another secret that is so captivating.

Three of them island, which 
lies in the waters of the Village in Ambon Asilulu. This place is like a uninhabited island. Suitable for those who want refreshing in the middle of the density of daily activities.
Moreover, you get bored with the usual commercial atmosphere of the beach was crowded and congested. Three Kawasa Island will surely make you feel like in heaven.
If the other islands offer a variety of exotic white sand, the island is surrounded by three seas just endless green that is so beautiful. The surrounding area is filled by steep cliffs and caves, which you rarely find in other shore.In addition to the Three Islands, another viable exotic places visited are Namalatu. Its natural charm that is so captivating definitely make you swayed to try diving in the area.

Namalatu beaches located in the village Latuhalat is attractive to everyone. The water is crystal clear plus the pounding of the waves are so challenging, as if stunned tourists make, and can not wait to try out sport diving in there.The clear green sea that makes you as if telescoped into the ocean floor, so it can be seen the charm of a beautiful sea floor.Quiet and comfortable area coupled with the palm tree lined around the sea, makes you enjoy your stay there all day. Not only that, there you will be a rock cliff extends, as if around this beach. Oh My God, seemed to be in a private resort.A gentle sea breeze and blazing sun that teased Ambon, Indonesia makes you more love, because it has an attractive tourist area of ​​anyone's eyes.

Snow on Lorientz National Park
Lorentz National Park is representative of the complete ecosystem for biodiversity in South East Asia and the Pacific. This area is also one of the three regions in the world that have glaciers in the tropics. It stretches from snow-capped mountain peaks (5030 meters above sea level), to stretch out to the coastal waters with mangrove forests and borders of the waters of the Arafura Sea. In this stretch, there is a spectrum of ecological stunning alpine vegetation of the region, sub-alpine, montane, sub-montane, lowland, and wetlands.Besides having a very high biodiversity, there are also some specific and unique presence in the Puncak Jaya glaciers and rivers that disappeared a few kilometers into the ground in the Valley Balliem. 
A total of 34 types of vegetation including swamp forest, river, sago forests, peat forests, coral sand beaches, rain forest land flat / slope, rain forest on the hill, kerangas forests, mountain forests, grasslands, and lichens.The types of vegetation in this park include palm (Nypa fruticans), mangrove (Rhizophora apiculata), Pandanus julianettii, Colocasia esculenta, Avicennia marina, Podocarpus pilgeri, and Nauclea coadunata.

The types of animals that have been identified in the Lorentz National Park as many as 630 species of birds (± 70% of bird in Papua) and 123 species of mammals. Bird species characteristic of this park there are two types of cassowary, four megapodes, 31 types of virgin / pigeons, 30 parrots species, 13 bird species of shrimp, 29 species of birds of honey, and 20 endemic species such as long-tailed paradise (Paradigalla caruneulata) and quail snow (Anurophasis monorthonyx).Mammal fauna recorded, among others, a long snout pig spines (Zaglossus bruijnii), pig snout short spines (Tachyglossus aculeatus), 4 types of cuscus, wallabies, jungle cats, and tree kangaroos.Lorentz National Park designated as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO and Natural Heritage of ASEAN by the ASEAN countries.This national park has a high biodiversity and supported an amazing cultural diversity. Estimated age of 30,000 years of culture and is the residence of the tribe Nduga, Western Dani, Amungme, Sempan and Asmat. There's more likelihood of people living in remote wilderness is yet to make contact with modern humans.Famous Asmat sculpture carving skills. According to belief, the tribe is identical to the forest or the trees. The trunk is represented as a human body, its branches as arms, and men as a human head. The tree is considered as a place to live the spirits of their ancestors. Asmat society that respects the system tree, it applies also to rivers, mountains and others.Lorentz was appointed as a national park in 1997, so that the facility / facilities for the convenience of visitors is still very limited, and not all objects and natural tourist attraction in this park have been identified and developed.The best visiting season: August / December each year.How to reach the location:From the northern town of Timika to the use of a pioneering flight to the South and use ship through the Port of Sawa Erma, followed by the path to multiple locations.